Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I felt that...

We had a read through for the scene I'm doing in the play this spring. Lucky me, Austin is my director! We read the scene, talked about our characters, and coordinated schedules. While I was on campus I was lucky enough to find out that today was the first day we could pick up books, so I got that out of the way as well. Yay! I also met up with Angie and Nate. Angie wants one of my increasingly popular animal hoodies (catchphrase of the week from other people: "You need a store on Etsy!") so she gave me the hoodie that she wanted me to sew her lion onto. We also took the opportunity to get coffee together as a trio. I came home after that and began the grueling task of composing a to do list of things to be done before Iowa (we leave Sunday morning) and started the process of knocking them off one by one. Done already: Laundry, make hoodie (oh yes, it's finished. And so cute!), make road trip CD, and finish iPod case (I finally determined that no company had made one as cool as I would like it to be, so I made my own.) I also managed to make dinner, spend time with the kids, and watch a movie with Jason. *Sparkle Faerie Power!!!*

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