Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Peeking in

Why yes......I see you. Do not be alarmed, for I am Giantcat. I am not here to frighten you, little mouse, but to deliver a monologue. Yes. Because all evil villains reveal their plots before their prey meets their demise. Oh! I see you are quaking again. Do not fear, I promise these last seconds of your life will be filled with the smooth comfort of my Giantvoice. For you see, I have grown tired of chasing moths on the sliding glass door. I find them to be too.......simple. Likewise, the small human terrors in this household prove to be much to easy. But you...yes, you try to escape. But what's this? A tug on the tail? Ba ha ha! See, little mouse? I have trapped the end of your tail under my Giantpaw. You won't be going far, I'm afraid. Besides, have I come to the end of my monologue yet? No. Because if I had, you would be


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