Monday, August 9, 2010

Over the counter, under the covers.

I made good on my promise to see the doctor today. I hate going to the doctor and didn't wanna, but I felt even crappier today so I did it anyhow. Ugh. Adulthood. Ugh. Apparently I suffered a teeny weeny concussion and messed up my sinuses. The good news is it's all going to clear up pretty much on its own and I will be just fine in a couple weeks, now I just have to try and keep myself from getting a full-blown sinus infection. Sudafed, saline spray, affrin, and a scrip for antibiotics should do the trick. Thank goodness it's nothing that's going to make me look funny. I have Thunderdome this Saturday! If I came out there in a nose brace....

Well, actually, maybe that would help!

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