Monday, August 23, 2010

He's still here

Beautiful day today. Campus was sunny and my classes went by quickly. I spent the hour in between the two classes sitting on the hill doing homework. Staying on top of things early means being a huge ginormous nerd...not something I'm unused to. The girls had a bunch of pent up energy when they came home today and spent a lot of the afternoon dressing up in weird outfits then running between Jason and I (he upstairs working on the kitchen, I downstairs doing homework) giggling like lunatics. The most memorable of those outfits was when Leigha announced 'Hipster Brianna is coming down the stairs!' I turned to see Bri wearing mismatching mittens, pink sunglasses, a sideways baseball cap under a bike helmet, and a popped collar. Wow. They totally nailed the hipster look.


hellyale said...

shoot wish you had gotten a picture of the hipster costume cause that sounds hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the girls got your gene for creative dressing! I would have loved to have seen it. I'm sure Leigha has a future in announcing for the fashion runway...& of course Bri will be the model!