Monday, February 8, 2010

Tiny head, big heart.

I have a big paper due soon so I decided to go for a walk after class and think about it. It's one of those things where you have to really dig deep and reveal stuff you're probably not comfortable telling people (which is great since the whole class will be reading it) so I figured listening to some music and spending some time outside would be a good way to figure out how to start. On the way I found this guy. He's not in front of a house or even in a neighborhood. Nope, somebody constructed a snowman on a grassy patch in front of a gas station. I'm going to go ahead and guess it was students from the school, I was still within view of the college, after all. Love it. There's just something about a snowman that makes everyone feel good inside.....especially since I know winter is on it's way out. Yay!

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