Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Flail-ey ball!

I have never in my life been accused of having athletic prowess. Sure, I did sports when I was a kid and I was a decent runner and got ribbons and stuff in track and cross country, but when it comes to stuff that involves teamwork and flying balls, count me out. So naturally, volleyball has been an interesting adventure for me. However, I've played it off and on when a team needed another player. My role throughout my life in such endeavors has largely consisted of "Hey, Jess! Stand there and hold your arms out!" Cool. I can do that. But a couple weeks ago, I slipped on ice, cut my hand and hurt my knee pretty badly. I didn't write anything about it since the day it happened I was feeling pretty super duper and didn't want to give up my 'on top of the world-edness' that I felt like conveying at the time. Well, today I slipped on the ice and hit that same knee yet again. I was lucky in that I only hit the side of it, but I'm pretty sore and not feeling physically anywhere near the top of my game. However, I'm in a bit of a 'don't give up' kind of mood lately, so I pushed through the pain and I'd say I played a pretty decent game for me. I broke open the wound on my hand and jammed a finger, but thanks to my amazing teammates and my adequate 'being able to stand there and hold my arms out' skills, we won! Woo! Now don't take this feeling from me 'cause I've got a feeling it won't be around tomorrow when I wake up and my finger is soooooooooooore!


JMH85 said...

Welcome to the world of sports. Your jammed finger and gushing hand cements you as an official athletic member. Way to go!!

Unknown said...

I love that you used the adjective 'gushing.' It's like you were there. :-)