Thursday, February 11, 2010

Failed Under Pressure

We had a get together tonight to discuss the trip to Atlanta. Everyone except Zak was late, so Zak played Guitar Hero with the girls while we waited. It's been a little while since I've played Guitar Hero, certainly with a group, so that was fun! I'm really excited about the trip to Atlanta. In all my travels it's one place I haven't been to yet. I can't believe we get to go perform improv there!

1 comment:

Michelle Lee said...

I'm excited to! You're going to be sooo close! Can't wait, I hope I can make it up there with my wonderful plan, and its such a shame you can't come down to the sav to experience the south. Come back when it's warmer! :) at least we aren't getting the snow, even tho they say we could tonight and tomorrow! buuuutttt it's to warm for snow.