Friday, February 19, 2010

K to the C, represent!

This incredibly cool industrial space is the third floor of the Arts Incubator. I went there today on producing business for KC Crossroads Comedy. We made a great connection with the powers that be and I think we'll be doing some mutually beneficial work together in the future. Score! It's great to have our art form located smack dab in the middle of the art scene of Kansas City. And speaking of Kansas City, our improvisers are going to be representing all over the country in just a matter of weeks! You already know Anomaly Orange is going to Spontaneous Combustion Atlanta, since that's my troupe and I'm giddy schoolgirl excited about it, but Babelfish is also going! Not only that, but Spite and two troupes from my alma mater, The Roving Imp, are going to be heading to the Chicago improv festival as well! This is supremely thrilling! The Kansas City scene is going to go out into the nation and let them know that we are here! It's amazing to be a part of one of the most thriving improv scenes in the country, and I couldn't be happier with my own small role in this big ball of yarn! Congratulations to everyone out there who is making the art happen!

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