Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy birthday, Lynette!

First and foremost, happy birthday to my sister, Lynette! My most favoritest redhead and older sister ever! I love you, sis! I had a great improv-filled day, myself. I went to a meeting to plan the Kansas City Improv Festival, then simultaneously set up the theater and had a Bad Rebels rehearsal, followed by the evening's shows at KCXRC. We had a highly successful night with a great crowd despite a dusting of snow and slush. The above picture is Trish 'auditioning for show choir' during Spite's set. Fabulous! Trish, you're just great, and I'm not just saying that!

1 comment:

KCObamacan said...

The most impressive part of that picture: Trish got into her backbend by diving backwards from a standing position, not coming up from a prone position. Wow. Color me impressed.