Friday, February 26, 2010


I left the house shortly after 8am this morning and went to school. Yuuurrrgh. Coffee... I only have two classes on Fridays, which is nice. After school I went downtown for a meeting with KCXRC and the Arts Incubator to further discuss finding places to film an internet series that one of our improvisers is working on. We toured a building, hopefully it will work for Joe's vision. We got up to the third floor and discovered a very interesting freight elevator that we rode back down to the first floor. Yeep! Last time I was on an elevator that was remotely similar was the Tower of Terror at Disneyland. I was super nervous, but I got a great picture for my mild troubles. Hooray for making a photo op out of your fears! We finished up and I grabbed some dinner before heading to Dustin and Alanna's for a game night/Guitar Hero party. It was great, but insane. There were about 13 kids there, including my girls. It's always slightly unsettling when the kids outnumber the adults in a given situation. We had a blast, though. Jason left for work and I stayed to play a friendly and interminable game of Quelf. Sweet. I brought the girls home at about 11:30...Oh yeah, so THAT'S why my house looks like. Yuck, I need to clean!

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