Sunday, February 14, 2010

How to properly accessorize

Happy Valentine's Day. I made our family's traditional dish, 'Cherry Yum Yum Pie,' today. Actually I made two of them. One of them I made for the family, the other for my improv family. We had our regularly scheduled Anomaly Orange and Project Improv rehearsals tonight, and I figured everyone could use a little happy magical loveness. The pie went over really well, too, so I'm really glad I did it. Being a performer can be a little demanding, especially when you have a huge show coming up (like, traveling to another part of the country to perform huge. Which we're doing) and it's a holiday. It's nice to have that built in support group, though. Our rehearsals were amazingly fun, too. I had to call scene one time because I was laughing so hard I physically couldn't take any more! It's evenings like this that let you know that what you're doing is worth the time it takes to do it. Hooray!


Anonymous said...

It makes a mother proud to find her daughter making the same traditional pie she herself makes, & in an apron the mother gave to the daughter (that she almost kept for herself), albeit a little tardy, for Christmas!

Michelle Lee said...

This picture reminds me of 'Cunningham muffins' from the creator of 'shoes'

"you'll eat a muffin, you'll eat it and like it!"