Tuesday, February 2, 2010


While sitting in German class today we heard a buzzing sound in the hallway. Didn't think anything of it until someone told us the fire alarm had been pulled so we were evacuating. Whoa! So we traipsed outside in the cold and waited for a while. I was too amused to be adversely affected by the weather, though, so that's good. I now know that in a fire on campus I will make it out of the building quickly and be utterly confused once there. Nobody seemed to know what was going on! They told us to go back in, they told us to go into the courtyard....we didn't know what to make of it. We ended up back in class not long after, our concentration shot to pieces. Poor teacher. We had our first game of the volleyball season tonight. We lost, but it was a close one. I actually didn't suck too bad, either! And I had fun! Win!

1 comment:

David said...

All the way back in 2003 (or 2004), I was at JCCC when there was a fire alarm. Nobody in my class actually left the room...mainly because of not knowing where the heck to go. But we NEVER talked about where to go incase of a REAL fire.