Monday, February 22, 2010

The 6-10 split

School, homework, homework, homework! I had a lot to do today! Lucky me, though, my friend Corin texted me and invited me out with the group for a night of bowling. Jason had something going on so I wasn't sure if I could go, but it started later on at night, so we agreed that he would do his thing at 6, and I would go bowling after that. It worked out nicely! I was able to finish the last of my homework while he enjoyed himself, then he watched a movie about guitar players (or something...) while I went out! I am a terrible bowler (is it a sport that involves a ball? Then I am bad at it.) and I actually bowled a 38 in one game (a 38! That's barely possible!) but I didn't care. It was too fun! There were a few kids from school there, only one other girl that I knew, but we all bowled and danced to the music that was playing. Dancing in bowling shoes on a hard wood floor=amazing, btw. And all you can bowl for $6? Yes. Evening=win. I walked in the door just as the end credits were rolling on Jason's movie. Score 300 for timing!

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