Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm not a 'some sport' enthusiast.

Did the usual Saturday 'get to the theater early and set up' thing, but today presented some unique challenges. Challenges such as having to completely redo the lighting (again) and subsequently blowing a circuit (right as the troupes and audience members were arriving) and the fact that Anomaly Orange performed tonight. It's incredibly hard to switch from production to performance mode and back again. You have to stay on your toes and turn on a dime, but I was so much more on top of it tonight than I was the first night we performed in the space. (Go figure, that was the FIRST night we did this!) It was interesting to have part of my brain engaged in joking with my troupe-mates while another part kept an eye out for problems (like when a member of the press showed up and no one was there to greet him) while still a third part was floating just above the other two parts, amused at my own ability to do such a thing! The show ended up going really really well, and as a bonus, I got to be carried off the stage at the guys' shoulder level while sitting in a chair. (FYI, they were great, I didn't wobble or anything!)

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