Sunday, February 28, 2010
Facepalm Sunday
Group mind is a concept that is very important in improv. It's a kind of energy you can feel in the room when everyone is connected on a subconcious level and everything kind of clicks into place in all your scenes. One way to achieve it is to note what everyone around you is doing and joining in. Sometimes, you don't even have to think about it. Today was kind of one of those days. Anomaly Orange had a rehearsal and at one point we were discussing the longform we had just done and without realizing it, every one of us chose to sit on a table rather than in a chair. I jumped off the table I was sitting on to grab my camera. Weird, I know, but this is the stuff that makes the funny happen.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I'm not a 'some sport' enthusiast.
Did the usual Saturday 'get to the theater early and set up' thing, but today presented some unique challenges. Challenges such as having to completely redo the lighting (again) and subsequently blowing a circuit (right as the troupes and audience members were arriving) and the fact that Anomaly Orange performed tonight. It's incredibly hard to switch from production to performance mode and back again. You have to stay on your toes and turn on a dime, but I was so much more on top of it tonight than I was the first night we performed in the space. (Go figure, that was the FIRST night we did this!) It was interesting to have part of my brain engaged in joking with my troupe-mates while another part kept an eye out for problems (like when a member of the press showed up and no one was there to greet him) while still a third part was floating just above the other two parts, amused at my own ability to do such a thing! The show ended up going really really well, and as a bonus, I got to be carried off the stage at the guys' shoulder level while sitting in a chair. (FYI, they were great, I didn't wobble or anything!)
Friday, February 26, 2010
I left the house shortly after 8am this morning and went to school. Yuuurrrgh. Coffee... I only have two classes on Fridays, which is nice. After school I went downtown for a meeting with KCXRC and the Arts Incubator to further discuss finding places to film an internet series that one of our improvisers is working on. We toured a building, hopefully it will work for Joe's vision. We got up to the third floor and discovered a very interesting freight elevator that we rode back down to the first floor. Yeep! Last time I was on an elevator that was remotely similar was the Tower of Terror at Disneyland. I was super nervous, but I got a great picture for my mild troubles. Hooray for making a photo op out of your fears! We finished up and I grabbed some dinner before heading to Dustin and Alanna's for a game night/Guitar Hero party. It was great, but insane. There were about 13 kids there, including my girls. It's always slightly unsettling when the kids outnumber the adults in a given situation. We had a blast, though. Jason left for work and I stayed to play a friendly and interminable game of Quelf. Sweet. I brought the girls home at about 11:30...Oh yeah, so THAT'S why my house looks like. Yuck, I need to clean!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Video Killed the Radio Star
Jason and I have been married for 10 years as of today. Eat it, statistics! We had a lovely evening in with the kids then the poor guy had to go to work. But not before we had some ice cream. Thanks to all my incredible friends out there! I appreciate the caring and well-wishing. I'd be lost without you all! *waves*
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Laser cannon powered sledmobile ride
Ah, my little Breektabri. This child is so stinkin' entertaining to be around sometimes, I swear. She was packing her lunch and reached for a banana, then pretty nearly peed her pants with excitement when she saw the monkey sticker. Love it! I lucked out today. Ran into some friends on campus that just happen to be in a baking class that just happened to have made fresh cinnamon rolls today. Mmmmmm! I love that my school has a culinary program! Today was a definite win in my book.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Somewhere under the snow the lightning bugs sleep
This is a prop for the forthcoming production at my school. Does anyone else find the word 'gong' as superfluous as I do? Funny. Lost the Veeball game tonight...kind of expected to. Stank, too, 'cause I was feeling better than last week and I played like a dung beetle. Oh well. Dung beetles are loved too I suppose.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The 6-10 split
School, homework, homework, homework! I had a lot to do today! Lucky me, though, my friend Corin texted me and invited me out with the group for a night of bowling. Jason had something going on so I wasn't sure if I could go, but it started later on at night, so we agreed that he would do his thing at 6, and I would go bowling after that. It worked out nicely! I was able to finish the last of my homework while he enjoyed himself, then he watched a movie about guitar players (or something...) while I went out! I am a terrible bowler (is it a sport that involves a ball? Then I am bad at it.) and I actually bowled a 38 in one game (a 38! That's barely possible!) but I didn't care. It was too fun! There were a few kids from school there, only one other girl that I knew, but we all bowled and danced to the music that was playing. Dancing in bowling shoes on a hard wood floor=amazing, btw. And all you can bowl for $6? Yes. Evening=win. I walked in the door just as the end credits were rolling on Jason's movie. Score 300 for timing!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I need a tall guy, now!
Jason and I both had the same song stuck in our heads earlier today, so naturally I decided it would be a good idea to earbud it up and enjoy it. Nice. I've got a bit of a cold, so I napped this was nice, but I hate the way I feel when I wake up from taking naps. Icky. I really needed it, though. I had a full afternoon of rehearsing, then directed an audition for Project Improv. We got a few people out, all willing to just cut loose, have fun, and follow direction. It was swell. One thing I just love is people who are willing to say, "Cool, I'll do that." As opposed to "Why would I do that?" Too many adults overuse the 'why' response, in my opinion. Oh yeah, you should totally temper yourself and not make dumb decisions, but if someone says, "Let's play tag!" Why ask why? Who cares about why, you're IT! *runs*
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Happy birthday, Lynette!
First and foremost, happy birthday to my sister, Lynette! My most favoritest redhead and older sister ever! I love you, sis! I had a great improv-filled day, myself. I went to a meeting to plan the Kansas City Improv Festival, then simultaneously set up the theater and had a Bad Rebels rehearsal, followed by the evening's shows at KCXRC. We had a highly successful night with a great crowd despite a dusting of snow and slush. The above picture is Trish 'auditioning for show choir' during Spite's set. Fabulous! Trish, you're just great, and I'm not just saying that!
Friday, February 19, 2010
K to the C, represent!
This incredibly cool industrial space is the third floor of the Arts Incubator. I went there today on producing business for KC Crossroads Comedy. We made a great connection with the powers that be and I think we'll be doing some mutually beneficial work together in the future. Score! It's great to have our art form located smack dab in the middle of the art scene of Kansas City. And speaking of Kansas City, our improvisers are going to be representing all over the country in just a matter of weeks! You already know Anomaly Orange is going to Spontaneous Combustion Atlanta, since that's my troupe and I'm giddy schoolgirl excited about it, but Babelfish is also going! Not only that, but Spite and two troupes from my alma mater, The Roving Imp, are going to be heading to the Chicago improv festival as well! This is supremely thrilling! The Kansas City scene is going to go out into the nation and let them know that we are here! It's amazing to be a part of one of the most thriving improv scenes in the country, and I couldn't be happier with my own small role in this big ball of yarn! Congratulations to everyone out there who is making the art happen!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Time after time
One year ago today I was on a plane over the Atlantic ocean, winging my way to Frankfurt, Germany. I can't believe how many amazing things have happened to me in that year and I wonder where it went. I bought this bracelet in Stuttgart when Tiffany and I were out shopping. We each got one and said, "Wear it 'till it gets gross." So here it is, one year later. I remove the bracelet for the first time tomorrow and I'll put it in a safe place. If you want to see a picture of it when it was brand new, pop over to my Facebook, there's a picture of Tiffany's and mine together, just after we put them on. It's in my Germany photo album. Today was certainly different from last February 18th, but it was a pretty incredible day. I love where my life is at this point and I wonder where I'll be this time next year.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I was going to post a picture that someone took of me tonight via cameraphone, but unfortunately they texted it to me and my phone won't even try to e-mail it so I can get it on the computer. (Oh yeah, did I mention I have a BLACKBERRY Pearl and it should be able to DO stuff like that? 'Cause I do and it won't. That's the whole reason I got a spiffy phone! Nurrgh!) So here instead is a shopping bag from this afternoon. I needed a few things so I hit the mall this afternoon. Found some great deals, too! Hooray for well timed shopping trips! I'm still not feeling well, but it's better than yesterday. Hopefully I can kick this stupid wannabe cold or whatever it is.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Kölle Alaaf!
Happy Fasching, everyone! Also known as Mardi Gras. I'd wish you a happy Mardi Gras, but I've been to Germany and not Louisiana, and I celebrated Fasching in Munich last year, so there you have it. Plus, we had a tiny celebration in my German class today. Prost! I'm not feeling well at the moment. I think I'm coming down with a cold or something. It totally affected my already lame Veeball skillz tonight, and no shocker, we lost the game. I literally couldn't focus at all. Oh well. We got Spartacus a new scratching box today, which is a bit of an event for us. Every time we buy one it comes with a baggie of catnip, so we sprinkle it on and just sit back and watch him go nuts. He didn't disappoint us tonight, either. Silly kitty!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Taking out the trash
I had school today. The girls didn't. This is what Brianna does for entertainment when there's nothing else going on, apparently. The good news is my classes are finished at 11am on Mondays, so we all went downtown and enjoyed ourselves this afternoon. We also went to Home Depot...slowly but surely my bathroom WILL be done, and then......I will use it as my base of operations for when I singlehandedly take over the world. Or makeup application. Makeup's good.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
How to properly accessorize
Happy Valentine's Day. I made our family's traditional dish, 'Cherry Yum Yum Pie,' today. Actually I made two of them. One of them I made for the family, the other for my improv family. We had our regularly scheduled Anomaly Orange and Project Improv rehearsals tonight, and I figured everyone could use a little happy magical loveness. The pie went over really well, too, so I'm really glad I did it. Being a performer can be a little demanding, especially when you have a huge show coming up (like, traveling to another part of the country to perform huge. Which we're doing) and it's a holiday. It's nice to have that built in support group, though. Our rehearsals were amazingly fun, too. I had to call scene one time because I was laughing so hard I physically couldn't take any more! It's evenings like this that let you know that what you're doing is worth the time it takes to do it. Hooray!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
It's cold under this bridge...
Tonight after the KC Crossroads Comedy show we went to the Arts Incubator for the Fringe Festival's Mardi Gras fundraiser party. Fringe Festival is a week long celebration of all things artsy in Kansas City and it's kind of a big deal, so we got a spot for KCXRC for the evening's entertainment. There was a lot of New Orleans style food there and, of course, king cake! The tradition is to bake a plastic baby into the cake and the person who finds it is lucky or whatever. I found the baby, hooray! And lucky me, I won a prize for it! A KC Fringe Fest t-shirt that is a youth size medium. Aw well, I'll give it to Leigha. At least I now have a picture of myself attempting to eat a baby directly in front of a sign advising me not to do so. Yay!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tumble dry on low heat
Hooray for weird pictures with virtually no explanation as to their origin! I had an odd day. It felt like Friday all day yesterday so today felt like a bonus or something. What to do with a second Friday in a two day span? I dunno.......laundry perhaps.
Yup, that's right. You don't get to know why I'm climbing out of a dryer. Mua ha ha!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Failed Under Pressure
We had a get together tonight to discuss the trip to Atlanta. Everyone except Zak was late, so Zak played Guitar Hero with the girls while we waited. It's been a little while since I've played Guitar Hero, certainly with a group, so that was fun! I'm really excited about the trip to Atlanta. In all my travels it's one place I haven't been to yet. I can't believe we get to go perform improv there!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Hand, hand, fingers, thumb, gee my brain is going numb
Project Improv called a special rehearsal this afternoon since we didn't have practice on Sunday. We had a blast trying out a few new things in a relaxed and informal atmosphere, since we were short a few players due to the change of day. I have been swamped with homework this week and didn't have much today so it was nice that this mental break coincided so nicely with my play time. I was really able to unwind. Thanks, improv, for being you! Stay classy, sweetheart!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Flail-ey ball!
I have never in my life been accused of having athletic prowess. Sure, I did sports when I was a kid and I was a decent runner and got ribbons and stuff in track and cross country, but when it comes to stuff that involves teamwork and flying balls, count me out. So naturally, volleyball has been an interesting adventure for me. However, I've played it off and on when a team needed another player. My role throughout my life in such endeavors has largely consisted of "Hey, Jess! Stand there and hold your arms out!" Cool. I can do that. But a couple weeks ago, I slipped on ice, cut my hand and hurt my knee pretty badly. I didn't write anything about it since the day it happened I was feeling pretty super duper and didn't want to give up my 'on top of the world-edness' that I felt like conveying at the time. Well, today I slipped on the ice and hit that same knee yet again. I was lucky in that I only hit the side of it, but I'm pretty sore and not feeling physically anywhere near the top of my game. However, I'm in a bit of a 'don't give up' kind of mood lately, so I pushed through the pain and I'd say I played a pretty decent game for me. I broke open the wound on my hand and jammed a finger, but thanks to my amazing teammates and my adequate 'being able to stand there and hold my arms out' skills, we won! Woo! Now don't take this feeling from me 'cause I've got a feeling it won't be around tomorrow when I wake up and my finger is soooooooooooore!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tiny head, big heart.
I have a big paper due soon so I decided to go for a walk after class and think about it. It's one of those things where you have to really dig deep and reveal stuff you're probably not comfortable telling people (which is great since the whole class will be reading it) so I figured listening to some music and spending some time outside would be a good way to figure out how to start. On the way I found this guy. He's not in front of a house or even in a neighborhood. Nope, somebody constructed a snowman on a grassy patch in front of a gas station. I'm going to go ahead and guess it was students from the school, I was still within view of the college, after all. Love it. There's just something about a snowman that makes everyone feel good inside.....especially since I know winter is on it's way out. Yay!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
PJ Day!
After all the hard work organizing the benefit and the late night of working at the theater, plus all the school and keeping up with homework, I was exhausted. I decided to treat myself to one full day of NOTHING. So that's what I did. I slept in and didn't get out of my PJ's all day, which is something I just never do. It feels gross. I didn't care today, and it felt GOOD. Apparently, I wasn't the only tired one, either. Sometimes you just have to take some time out and relax.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Jessica's big charity benefit adventure
My day started out like any other. I got up, got ready, and drove to the news station. Pretty typical. I waited backstage, got miked up, then Nathan Stewart and I were interviewed for the improv charity benefit that was tonight. Like I said, nothing out of the ordinary. (Okay, yeah, so it was different. I'm dropping that game now because I'm bored of it.) Apparently it went pretty well, I haven't had a chance to watch the recording of it yet. After that I collected a few more concession items and went to the theater to set up things. It was crazy, seriously. We did four shows in four hours. Yikes! By the time it was over I felt like I had been wrung out. But it was so worth it. The shows were pretty high quality for the most part, and we raised a good chunk of change for the Global Orphans Project, which was great! I'm exhausted, but triumphant. One last little fun story for you: when I got to the news station I had to pick up the phone in the lobby to be let in (security and whatnot) and this guy came to get me. He asked what I was being interviewed for and I told him KC Crossroads Comedy, and he said, "Oh, that's great, I need more comedy." He then flat out asked me for my number so he could get more information about KCX. He got out a piece of paper and I said, "Here, let me just give you the website so you can find out more." He wrote it down then said, "And can I get your number so I can get more information about comedy?" So I gave him Tom's number. What? He wanted info on KC Crossroads Comedy, and that IS the number for it, after all........ *devilish grin*
Friday, February 5, 2010
Yeah, sure, pretty. Go away now.
Winter saved it's prettiest snowfall for a time when we are all wishing it would do anything BUT snow. It was gorgeous out today but there was a definite feeling in the air on campus today that even with the beauty we just wanted it to GO AWAY. Everyone is feeling weary of winter at this point. Good news, all, it's February! We're almost through this thing! Whoop!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Earning dues, taking cues.
My friend Jill turns 30 tomorrow and she invited me to go out to dinner with her to celebrate. We had a lot of fun sitting at the table making bad puns about various things we saw in the restaurant. Good times. Leigha read a book to Brianna this evening. It was so cute to see them both like that. Bri, flopped over on her tummy and kicking her feet, Leigha bolt upright reading in a loud, clear voice. I love how well they get along most of the time.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Spontenaety and Combustion
It's been a little while since I've posted a picture of the girls, so I was determined to get them up here today. Awww.....and ahhhh! Frightening little things, aren't they? Today I went to Sam's Club with Tom's mom to get refreshments for the theater in preparation for our Haiti charity benefit coming up this Saturday. We had a great time, she's a lovely woman. Every time I see her she makes a point of asking how Jason and the girls are doing, if they're not with me. This evening I returned home to find an e-mail from The Basement Theater in Atlanta. Anomaly Orange had submitted a video for consideration for their improv festival, and we got in! Hopefully we'll be able to work it out and be able to go, that would be so cool! I'm really excited about this! I've been working hard to make improv happen for other troupes recently, so it's great to get this kind of validation and be able to just go put on a show without having to worry about the production end of things. Much as I love it, all work and no play makes Jessica something something....
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
While sitting in German class today we heard a buzzing sound in the hallway. Didn't think anything of it until someone told us the fire alarm had been pulled so we were evacuating. Whoa! So we traipsed outside in the cold and waited for a while. I was too amused to be adversely affected by the weather, though, so that's good. I now know that in a fire on campus I will make it out of the building quickly and be utterly confused once there. Nobody seemed to know what was going on! They told us to go back in, they told us to go into the courtyard....we didn't know what to make of it. We ended up back in class not long after, our concentration shot to pieces. Poor teacher. We had our first game of the volleyball season tonight. We lost, but it was a close one. I actually didn't suck too bad, either! And I had fun! Win!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Conspiratorial Comrades and Rhinos
Weird day. Everything I did felt slightly askew somehow. Classes, lunch, just felt like it was all out of order, like reading straight through a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' book. You know? *shrug* I don't even know. It was a good day, though. Highlight of the day for me: we were standing outside after coming home, and the kid across the street was sitting in his car with music on. I didn't have my keys so I said, "Jasooooooooon, it's cold!" and Leigha said, "Yeah, and there's rap music." Awesome.
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