Monday, October 8, 2007

Nursing a headache

I've pretty much decided that Mallomars are, in fact, just about the greatest things EVER. The irony is that I discovered them from 's newsletter. (Great newsletter) I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and I happened upon them at Wal-Mart on Saturday night after the show. FYI-you know what's not cool? Going to Wal-Mart at midnight when you're sick and being faced with the uber lines at checkout. Yeah. Oh, and I finally feel like I'm on the upswing of this thing, so woo hoo! Anyhow, I woke up with a headache this morning, something that never happens to me, I typically don't get headaches fortunately, and the knowledge that I have to go to the DMV to renew my tags...yay, paying for taxes on a car I own outright when my gas purchase taxes already pay for road repairs...I love redundancy! So I went into the kitchen to rustle up some breakfast...realizing that I had forgotten adult cereal when I was at Target the other day. (Adult cereal means there's not a cartoon animal on the box, you perv.) So faced with the descision of do I eat the fruit loop knockoffs or (snicker snicker) actually cook myself something, I spied the box of Mallomars. The most important meal of the day staring me in the face, I chose to eat two of them since they're just about as nutritious as Pelican Joe's Frooties (not the real name, I just wanted to yuck it up) I feel confident in my descision.

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