Thursday, September 30, 2010

Quilted midwestern

My family does this thing where all the women make a square each that my aunt Wanda collects and turns into a quilt for firstborn babies. She's pretty special, that Aunt of mine! Anyhow, I got the manila envelope with the letter in the mail a while ago but due to busyness and forgetfulness, I let it sit far too long and they have to be done for this Saturday! Fortunately, due to creative knowhow (and the fact that quilt squares are relatively small) I was able to finish mine within an hour (W is for wail!) then help the girls get theirs finished. Hooray! Leigha has D and she chose to use 'dog' to represent her letter, and Bri had numbers five and six. She made a bunch of stars because stars have five points. I don't know what that circle thing is or what it represents, but let's just pretend it's her portrayal of something to do with the number six.

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