Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hot time in the old town

My day consisted of a cast of two today. For act one, it was a one woman show. Jason's co-worker invited him to come over and shoot guns (um.....whoop.) during the afternoon, so he was gone pretty much all day after he woke up from his after-work nap. I decided to do Jessica things and just enjoy myself, so that's what I did. Things Jessica likes to do: FINALLY BUY A NEW CAMERA. Yes!!! I had Jason text me when he was on his way, so during intermission, I got myself all prettied up. For act 2, Jason and I went to a fancy schmancy restaurant downtown, the climbed the hill to the World War One memorial. It boasts a fantastic view of downtown Kansas City, so we both snapped several shots. First of the city, then increasingly closer shots of the memorial itself. As the evening drew to a close we finished off the night in Westport. A perfect finish.

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