Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Everybody was salsa dancing

Campus Craze was today, which basically translates into free snowcones and loud music that makes it impossible to understand which biomes we discussed in Environmental Science. I got a text from Austin while I was in class, wanting to know where I was. I met up with her after we got out and we went to have some lunch, but due to the hip-shaking salsa music we decided it would be much more fun to set our pizza down and dance. Shortly thereafter we were joined by Sarah M. and Hillary. Woot! We spent a good twenty minutes grooving until somebody realized it was nearly one o clock, the time at which three of us had classes and Austin has to work. Grabbing our pizza slices and hastily wolfing them down, we quickly scattered as if we had never buddied up to begin with, one by one disappearing into the crowd of other students. I love random flash mob type meetups with my beautiful girlfriends!

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