Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back in the action zone

And with that, it's back to KCIF fun-age. Tonight's show was unofficially known as 'phone-it-in' night backstage, meaning we didn't have to do quite so much since our local talent is so great that we don't have to worry too much about the show having hiccups. Plus, we don't have to worry about who goes where when and how to ferry people around town since we all have our own cars and such. Less work, high quality product. Woo hoo! I can get on board with that! I chose a picture with Zak playing a janitor. That was fun. I hit a few estate sales after school (I get out at noon, Jason sleeps during the day. I hate to wake him. That's not me pretending my arm is being twisted, I really do hate to wake him.) and got me an ARMLOAD of great vintage clothing for seven dollars! When I got home this evening at ten, I was talking to Aimee (who is both my babysitter AND friend) and it suddenly occurred to me that she might be interested in looking at them. I pulled out a few examples and she fell in love with a cute blue A-line sundress with red flowers on it (circa 1960's) so I encouraged her to try it on. It fit her LIKE A GLOVE. As soon as I saw it on her, I said, "Oh! Take it, it's yours. I insist!" How fortuitous for both of us, because her birthday is Tuesday and she needed a dress! Glad I could help out!

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