Sunday, November 18, 2007

Breaking the rules can be fun!

Last night was one of the most exhilarating shows I've ever been priveleged enough to be a part of. Nifer and Joe showed up to support me, and our 7pm show was great! I talked with them between shows then sequestered myself to the backstage area to await the 9pm show. Several people from the cast failed to show up and we were in trouble for the late show...luckilly John had called James who showed up just in time, and the show went on. The first half was all games and everything went well. The second half longform, We did a "soap opera" themed longform. It started out with a basic love triangle...which then expanded gradually into more of a love dodecahedron. Then somebody subtly broke the fourth wall....then it happened again...then somebody made a reference to the fourth wall...and eventually we were killed off one at a time via crossbow and resurrected as our real life selves. All except John. "I'm sweeping the scene because I'm the only character still in this thing and you all have to go away now!" (nice.) He started into this monologue eventually saying something to the effect of "and I'm the only one still alive!" Which is when I said, "CrossBOOOOOW!!" Shot him, he cursed and fell to the ground. Blackout. Absolutely priceless! Yesterday was also Leigha's play, Cinderella. It was adorable and she was the best pumpkin ever. FYI, that was her fifth play and she's not even eight!

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