Sunday, November 4, 2007

Helloooo? I'm freaking dying here!

Oh man...Saturday morning I woke up in excruciating pain. I literally could not move without getting stabbing pains in my stomach. I called Jason then went to Urgent Care. I was so out of it it was actually kind of funny. Well they told me to get an x-ray and I was walking to the other building to get one when I ran into a friend of mine, who saw the state I was in and took the kids off my hands for the day. (how sweet!) So I went to the x-ray place and they didn't take my insurance so I went back to the Urgent Care place to see what else could be done, and while I was there, I puked. Yay. But it made me feel better....not all the way, but better. So I decided to just go home and sleep and see what that did for me. I woke up in the afternoon, feeling pretty good, so I ate something, decided it was, in fact, staying down, took a shower, got dressed, and called my friend, who dropped the girls off. At that point it was about five o clock, so I decided since I was feeling so much better (even though my tummy still hurt a bit) I'd go ahead and get ready to do some improv! I got to the theater, warmed up, and got ready for the show. The 7pm show was a little laggy....until Julie picked up John P., and then everyone was laughing so hard that we picked up some steam and finished on a high note. It was a pretty great show. In between shows we played a game where we all lay down on the stage and pretended we were hot dogs on a roller thingy (John was a veggie dog!) and we all rolled across the stage in unison, giggling like idiots! Every so often you'd hear someone cry, "I've got a credit card!" "Ooh, car keys!" After a while we were laughing so hard that the "unison" thing ceased to exist and some people sped up and we were rolling on top of each other like some kind of crazed laying down crowd surfing! An audience member entered at that point and we jumped up and scattered to sequester ourselves backstage. Luckily it was John and Julie's brother, so I'm sure he understood. The nine o clock show was pretty great, we were very tuned in to one another, and we went out with a bang! We were all feeling so great at that point that we went to the bar next door and hung out, playing bar games and eating greasy food. It was great. I went to Julie's house for a bit after that, and she showed me a couple chords on the guitar for kicks. I came home a little after midnight and chatted with Jason for a bit before falling into a deep sleep. I can't believe I could be so sick and still have a fantastic day.

FYI, I woke up this morning and my stomach still hurts. If it's still hurting tomorrow, I'm going to my doctor.

1 comment:

Spark*Life said...

Wow, eventful day. Me, I'm a total weenie when I get sick. Kudos on being able to suck it up. You're my hero...ine.