Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I couldn't be happier

I was so excited for rehearsal this evening, but it didn't turn out to be as fun as I'd hoped. I'm bummed out. I hoped to end this rehearsal week on a high note. Oh well.


improvclown said...

It happens...just remember that you can bring the rehearsal up with your positive attitude as well!

sugarbumkin said...

Hey, wow, you read my blog! I feel ever so special now!

Yeah, I know it happens. Sucks when it does...but meh, it can't all be rainbows and unicorns, right? Just something better to shoot for next week. :-)

improvclown said...

I link to you from my blog!

sugarbumkin said...

suh-weet. B-)

I need to figure out how to link blogs....*runs to blogger's help sections*