The above picture shows all the people (plus myself...taking the picture...see mah shadow? Word.) that we managed to cram into the cab of that teeny weeny truck. Not only did we all fit, we got the doors shut. They never told me college would teach me such practical life skills on top of the academic stuff we learn and immediately discard! I feel very fulfilled! (ow, my tongue. It's stuck in my cheek.) Either way, it was a blast and I only have a little bit of internal bleeding so it's all good. Oh yeah, and I managed to whack the crap outta my funny bone and have a nice bruise to show for it. Yay! Tonight was my friend Sarah C's birthday and she invited a bunch of people over to her house for homemade sushi! Yum yum yum, it was so amazingly fantastic! We had a blast, played monopoly, ate cake, etc. At the end of the evening Sarah offered me a piece of cake to take home so I said, "Well, I don't want any but maybe I could take a piece for Jas..........you know what? Nevermind. I don't think I'll be taking any, thanks just the same."
Speaking of my peglegged wonder, he is doing really, really fantastically well. I swelled up like a chipmunk...the boy has none at all. Lucky. Hopefully he'll be back on solids for good before he goes back to work on Saturday.
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