Thursday, December 16, 2010

And I feel fine

Before anyone asks, yes, yes I was wearing a long sleeve shirt today. It was a vintage wool sweater and it got very itchy. But not too long after completing my acting final (which is the reason I wore an itchy shirt to begin with. We have to treat it like an audition, which means looking purdy.) Jason texted me and asked if I wanted to go out for some lunch. Uh, yeah! So we decided to hit up Cracker Barrel for my victory lunch, 'cause I like their biscuits. They have that cool triangle game with the tees in it (because the name 'Monopoly' was already taken) on every table, and every time I go there I gotta play. So while we waited to order, waited on our drinks, and then again while waiting on our food, I was playing this game. Jason even grabbed the one off the table next to us so he could play as well. I was waiting for him to finish eating so I tried it one last time...and bam. Got it down to only one tee remaining. According to the board, I'm GEENius! Booya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess if the triangle thingy said you were a "geenious," then you must have passed all your finals, eh? CB