Friday, December 24, 2010

All About the Eve

Christmas Eve at our house was pretty low key this year. We opened our presents (I got a new car stereo! Rawk!) and giggled as Spartacus opened his own present, a catnip mouse. He shredded that package. Once I got the mouse set up he spent a good hour rolling around and flipping it in the air then catching it with eager paws and blazing claws. Jason tried to take part of the wrapper off his body at one point and Spartacus actually HISSED at him! We've never heard him do that! We went to the church in the afternoon to rehearse for the service at 6pm, then spent a lovely evening with Jason and I onstage bringing the musics while the girls sat with friends. Brianna was given a candle this year and the whole time she had it I was watching her from afar. "Aww....look how cute her face looks when it's lit up like that....don't catch on fire, don't catch on fire, don't catch on fire. Hmmm....if I pole vault the altar with my music stand and jump over that family there I could probably reach her in about eight seconds...." After the service we got into the car and drove straight to Jason's mom's house, where we visited for a bit then promptly crashed. Bring on the Christmasness!

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