Saturday, December 11, 2010


Today was one of those lovely, "Hey...wait, wasn't it fourty degrees warmer yesterday?" kind of days. Also known as completely worthless weather. Yuk. I think cold fronts this mean should take a very convenient trip and fall down a flight of stairs. Fortunately, I had insidey things to do today! My friend Amanda hosted a 'cookie exchange' party this afternoon, so a bunch of us gals from the theater department gathered together with our various sugary offerings and exchanged first tastes, then the recipies. I made my 'party tea cookies' that Selena gave me a recipie for back in Denver. Thanks, friend! They were a hit, of course. Amanda told us that a ton of the guys from the department had wanted to get in on the party as well. Heh heh heh. Late tonight I got an e-mail from Beate stating that Godspell has officially been accepted into KCATCF. (what does that mean?) What that means is we are going to be taking the show to our region's Kennedy Center sponsored theater festival and performing it! I will be performing with needle and thread, of course. If the show does well at regionals it stands a chance at going to nationals! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome party, awesome news! Congrats! CB