Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Uniformally Obnoxious

Tonight was a series of carefully coreographed pick ups and drop offs. Leigha had softball at 5:30 and it usually runs until 7pm. However, she also had Girl Scouts from 6:30 to 7:30, as did Brianna. In a completely different location. So at 5:15 we left the house, I dropped off Leigha at 5:30, went to Sonic, got us all drinks, went back to the softball field and picked up Leigha at 6:15. I dropped Leigha off at her Girl Scout meeting at 6:28, then drove Brianna to hers, walking her into her troupe at 6:37. I came home for a little while, did a small amount of homework, then at 7:15 I left the house, picked up Leigha at 7:28, drove to the other location and picked up Brianna at 7:37. *panting just a little bit* Man. Only having one driver for three schedules is TOUGH!

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