Friday, May 14, 2010

Good friends even though you're vermin!

I had a wonderful day. I spent a good chunk of my afternoon improvising, which is always just lovely. There was a workshop with Dave Razowsky, who has worked with Amy Sedaris, Steve Carell, and a few other household names I can't think of at the moment. Needless to say, I got a lot out of it, and had written a full page of notes before we even got to the first exercise! Amazing. As soon as the workshop was out Jason picked me up and we drove down to his mom's house. Tim is graduating tomorrow and we're proud of him and whatnot. So we get down to the house and surprise, surprise, Sheila had bought four baby chicks! They are SO cute! Needless to say, the girls are already wanting to take them home. Yeah, no.

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