Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday morning fever

Austin came over this morning before school so we could do some Halloween costume tweaking. She brought me breakfast, sweet thing that she is! We had a blast trying different combinations out on her until we got just the right look. See the ties on her ankles? Those are attached to some leggings she's wearing. While she was trying to figure out the best way to tie them up, Spartacus was flipping out. "I want to BAT AT THOSE!!!!" It was hysterical watching him stalk her, not knowing exactly what to do with the situation at hand. "Oh's one of the big people, what do I do?" I've been having a bit of the creeping crud lately. I'm fine during the day but in the late afternoon I just feel ZONKED. Hopefully I just need to sleep it off and rest up a bit more than I've been doing. Either way, it's kind of nice that I can sew while sitting on the couch. If I gotta be laid up at least I can finish up a ten year old's Princess Leia costume!

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