Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, Austin!

Today was the anniversary party for Austin's 29th birthday. This picture makes it seem as though a wild rave was happening....perhaps that's just because I'm in it? I swear, she handed me the wings after I walked in the door. They were a party favor! Either way we celebrated her life and us chosen few enjoyed each other's company over tea and cherry yum yum pie. Austin's directing class is directing my Acting 2 class in a scene from Proof and though I'm not in her group we went over lines together. She read Hal's lines and I got into my Catherine character and acted out my part as she got ideas for blocking and character nuances. I also filled her in on a few tips about the actors in her group and how they had been working on the characters prior to this point so she could get a feel for how they would play the characters and what blocking would be most natural to their portrayal. Teamwork! It was so great hanging out and catching up, and I can't wait for the anniversary party for Austin's 29th birthday: the sequel!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cherry yum yum? Did you bring the pie? CB