Monday, October 11, 2010

La la la leftover!

We had so much fun at Stix last month that my girl crew from church decided to go out again, this time to the Cheesecake Factory! During the course of the evening Ashley lost her wallet under the table. We figured it would be an easy find...until she crawled under the table with my phone as a flashlight. We lifted the cushion up as she scoured the perimiter of the seats and the wall adjacent to the table...but the only glimmer of hope was her discovering what turned out to be a butterknife wedged into the gap between the beadboard and the floor. Our waiter came by and helped us move the which point I saw her card just sitting there in the middle of the floor. "There's nooooo way she missed seeing that just sitting there." I thought to myself, before coming to the realization that it had been under the table poles! So yeah, just a tip for the next time you drop something under the table and can't find it. Check there first, otherwise you'll have an entire restaurant staring at you, as well as an obnoxious friend with a camera getting a ton of embarrasing photos chronicling your events on the cold, hard tile of the Cheesecake Factory. Speaking of photos, that's us in front of the JC Nichols fountain, which has been dyed pink for breast cancer awareness month.

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