Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I have to hit it AGAIN?

I had a BUSY busy day! Here is a cross section of what I did:

-Ate a chocolate rabbit
-Had a full day of classes
-Coffee. Lots of coffee.
-Played volleyball
-Went to Target for a bunch of stuff
-Settled airline tickets for the guys
-Finalized details for Atlanta
-Played a volleyball game
-Made an *amazing* road trip mixed CD
-Producer stuff for KCXRC (including an in-depth entry for the blog)
-Homework (including making a 10 page children's book and finalizing my 6 page essay)

I still found time to dance to the music on my iPod and enjoy time with the family. Bam. How's that for amazing multi-tasking skillz?


David said...

You forgot to mention that you became a pepper. The shirt you are wearing in the picture didn't convince me. If you go and change your entire species to a vegitable (or fruit, I'm never sure), you really should mention it in your daily routine.
Or not. It's your blog. But if I change species to something that can still type, I would put it in my blog.

Christi said...

You also forgot that you served an Ace in said volleyball game!