Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Today I had three classes, Western Civilization, Public Speaking, and Voice and Speech. The last is a theater course. While I am excited and have thoroughly enjoyed my brief experiences with the other three classes and the teachers are all cool and stuff, the theater class is the one I am MOST excited about. Like, seriously. The class is held in a small performance space and I arrived and sat my stuff down after looking around and visually confirming that I was the only one there. I heard a massive commotion in the corridor immediately adjacent to the theater, and suddenly a crowd of theater kids burst in. One girl was carrying her alpha female friend in her arms as they walked in, and 'alpha' screeched, "Allright! New blood!!!" I immediately felt like I had come home. I came home and took a nap because I'm not used to having to get up and think that early in the morning just yet (*sigh* I'll get there again.) then went to 'rehearsal' with AO. We decided collectively that it would be in our best interest to check out the Improv-Abilities/Trip 5's show this evening in lieu of regularly scheduled rehearsal. I feel we made a good descision. The show was just great!

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