Monday, November 29, 2010


Poor Jason had his wisdom teeth taken out. Oh, and yes, he consented to this photo. Even made a crazy face for it. Anyhow, yeah, he's doing really well. Much better than I did! Probably because mine were all sideways and cemented in my jaw and his just went 'BOOP' to the distant, tiny applauding of the tooth faerie. Also, he has me to cook for him. Not only is his food much better than what I had, but I know exactly what is and isn't impossible to eat so he doesn't have to learn it the way I did. We even rigged up a great system that injects water into his mouth so he didn't have it dribble down his chin while his lips were numb like I did.


Anonymous said...

I thought this was happening in Dec., What's up? CB

sugarbumkin said...

They called us last week and said we had the option of moving it up due to a cancellation, so we jumped on it. Hooray!