Saturday, December 29, 2007


Yeah, no, I sucked. I got a lot of, "No you didn't, you were funny!" comments, but I know that was not my best work. I was trying too hard, seriously. *sigh* Next time, next time.

Oh, and just so you know, overall those were two exceptional shows. So many talented people were there tonight and the shows were just amazing.


Anonymous said...

Hey there! OK, so I'm not going to even TRY to talk you out of how you felt about the show, because I know (believe me, I know) it's pointless.

Actually, this is one of the reasons people aren't supposed to talk about Fight Club. Gradually, it starts to train your brain to let things go. I'm a big ol' dweller, and it's been really good for me to not be allowed to dwell on the bad (or the good) stuff.

I didn't feel great about what I put out there, either...but it sure was fun playing with you guys!

sugarbumkin said...

Thanks so much for that, it means a lot that you understand what it means to feel that way.

I am letting it go, yes, and I'm going to chalk it up to being a learning experience. But I had a blast, really I did. If nothing else I got to play with some stellar talent as a not-quite yearling, and I'm glad I had the chance. :-) Thanks for the comment!