Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ooh, baby do you know what that's worth? Hype 7 is a group on earth.

Good news, better news, best news! My ankle is not fractured, the swelling is going down, and the pain is very much less than it was. Yay! Also, tonight was my first Hype 7 performance! We did fantastic! I think I had a really strong beginning but then petered out a little, possibly due to my ankle self-conciousness, but we all did a great job I think. I am so proud of Tiffany, it was her first improv show....ever. She did so well. :-D There were a couple former H7'ers in the audience and they thought we newcomers (me and Tiffany) did the troupe proud. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. We all went out afterward and ate and drank and laughed, it was so cool. Dan (one of the former members) came with his wife to the restaurant and regaled us with stories of the olden days, which was really cool. I joined Roving Imp at the ground level, so it doesn't have a history yet, not like this, so it was neat to hear of the troupe's beginnings and what it was like even a couple years ago. So much fun. Okay, must sleep now. Arrgh, I'm so wound up and yet I'm really tired! Mgah!!!

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