Thursday, December 13, 2007

A tiny little Spring awakening

The world is slowly starting to thaw out over here. Icicles dripping off telephone wires, puddles under all the trees that overhang the road, and in some places we're beginning to see damage to vegetation that we couldn't see for all the ice. It's nice to see the sun again, even if it won't last long, I mean, come on, this is the midwest we're talking about here. My ankle is also beginning to really heal now, too. My limp is much less pronounced now, I have very little pain when I walk, and I did a light yoga class at the Y this morning. There are a couple times when I'll tweak it just the wrong way and it'll scream at me, but at least I'm off those freaking crutches. Things are looking much better right about now. I was in a little bit of a funk, and that's also melting off too, thank goodness. I like me better when I'm not depressed. Brianna is being really sweet right now, too, which is helping. She's running up and squeezing my arm in a hug, stepping back, and then she'll get that malicious twinkle in her eye and say, "No tag backs!" And run off. Stinkin' kiddo. :-D Oh, and also, I got a package from Selena today, lots of Christmas presents, yay! She is so sweet. She's showing me up, too, I haven't even gotten my Christmas cards yet!

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