I liked my answers to this survey, so I'm putting it here for safekeeping. ;-)
1. How late did you stay up last night?
I dunno. I don't remember.
2. What was the first thing you thought this morning?
"if Jason tells me to wake up one more time I'm going to freakin' cream him with my pillow."
3. Is there a person you have a crush on?
Crush? No. Just my pillow-dented hubby. :-)
4. What did you do last night?
recuperated from my shopping outing. Did you know shopping is painful on a sprained ankle? It is.
5. What are doing this weekend?
I'll assume by "this weekend" you mean "this coming weekend not the current one that's about 3/4 over" and I'll respond thusly: Friday night, Roving Imp performance at the Westport Coffeehouse. Saturday, filming sketches with the Hype 7. Saturday night, Roving Imp performances (2) at the Roving Imp theater. Sunday, the usual lounging around the house watching Discovery Channel.
6. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
I had better freakin' be.......
7. Do you own a stereo that cost more than $100?
Does anyone really own a stereo anymore, or has that become as obsolete as the CD? (I'm a tech snob! Watch me tell you what a Noob you are and how 1337 I am while dismembering a fat free venti double zebra mocha, no whip! Oh, and while you were reading this, I totally defragmented your computer! Hah!!!)
8. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
9. How's your heart lately?
I haven't pulled it out to examine it, but it seems to be keeping in pretty good rhythm and such, so...yeah. Did you know that there's no vowel besides "sometimes y" in rhythm? Awesome!
10. What were you doing this morning at 7am?
11. What were you doing this afternoon at 12pm?
Um.........driving home from church.
14. What was the reason you last cried?
Severe ankle pain.
15. Who has been your biggest inspiration?
as in a person? Oh gosh........um..........Tolkein?
16. Who's your most attractive friend?
That hot chick in the mirror. Mmm, yeah.
17. Why did you stop liking your last crush?
I haven't the foggiest. It's been almost 10 years, you know.
18. Do you know someone with the initials J.B.?
Those used to be my initials! Hah! My younger sister, a cousin, and Jason if you use his middle name and take off our last name.
19. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
Ugh. Yes. Not by choice.
20. How many red lights have you ran?
A few. They're always accompanied by the thought, "Yeah...I'm going to stop...*snicker*"
21. Have you ever cried while taking a shower?
No, but I've had a severe nose bleed and freaked out because it mingled with the water and I didn't know where it was coming from. That was seriously scary. And gross. Hah! Now you know! (man I'm feeling mischevious right now!)
22. What was your favorite grade?
Junior year of high school.
23. What were you doing at 12am last night?
I dunno, watching TV maybe?
24. What's a sure way to catch your attention?
Attach mirrors to your hands, angle them toward light, and wave them around while jumping up and down, shouting, and lighting signal flares.
25. Have you ever, in any way, been betrayed by someone you trusted?
26. When was the last time you were given a rose?
Um..............I don't remember exactly, but I remember the rose(s). Pretty.
27. Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
Ooh! A healed ankle, some yoga, and improv!!! (it's been a while...seriously, like four days! My funny is puddling dangerously at the moment!)
28. Where did your last hug take place?
I sneak attacked Brianna, then gave her a wedgie.
29. Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name?
They always always always spell my last name with two "b's" even if I correct a gazillion times. Although, one time my friend "Amie Trotter" was accidentally announced as "Arnie Totter"....it was awesome. We still laugh about it.
30. Have you ever started a sentence with "No offense, but..."?
No. People will take offense with what I say anyhow, so why bother?
31. What did you do today?
32. When was the last time you saw a cop?
Oh gosh. "ma'am, the reason I pulled you over is because you were swerving a little. Are you intoxicated or tired in any way?" "Um......no?" "Oh, I see, so you were just distracted by something maybe?" "Uh.......I kept looking in my rearview mirror, yeah....." (totally wasn't swerving, Niffer can serve as a witness if need be.)
33. Did you ride in someone else's car today?
Jason's, yeah.
34. Have you made a mistake in the past week?
Have you seen my ankle?????
35. What are you listening to right now?
The dude on Man Vs. Wild
36. Who was the last person to text you?
Jason. It was an exhilarating conversation about various cracker choices at Wal-Mart
37. Do you miss someone?
Yes, but my aim is improving. Is that what you wanted? Is it? Next question!
38. Is there anything you regret about your past?
Your mom. Next question.
39. Are you happy with your life?
Yeah, actually. I have a lot going for me. Life rules.
40. Whats the last thing you ate?
a carmel.
41. Is there a feeling you're trying to avoid?
boredom, durr.
42. What will you do saturday?
I already answered that. Saturday is part of a weekend. Here's a question for you, are surveys randomly generated without forethought?
43.have you ever held your breath for 45 minutes?
Yes, and then I totally died. It was awesome.
Monday, December 10, 2007
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