Thursday, April 29, 2010


I seem to be featuring Bri a lot these days...or at least the past two. But it's only right that she gets center stage tonight, since her class put on a musical tonight! There is nothing funnier in this world than watching parents react to a hundred five year olds trying to execute simple coreography while singing 'Old MacDonald had a Farm.' Seriously, at one point, the kids all clasped their hands under their chins and tilted their heads to the side and the entire auditorium went, "Awwwwwww!" It was too funny. Especially when Bri got to the car and her first remark was, "Some of my friends thought it was embarrassing to be in the show." I asked if she was embarrassed, and in her supremely confident way she said, "Nope." Oh, and the musical theme was 'A Day in the Country.' Bri chose her outfit without any help. She insisted. With all the pink she wears on a regular basis, I have to wonder what her teacher thought when she rolled into the classroom looking like a creative marketing technique for a new Pepto Bismal safety cap.

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