Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tracking Device

Leigha got to compete in a track meet today. She had a lot of fun and it took me back to my junior high days. Unfortunately, Brianna was being a squirrely pain in the butt the whole time, but then, that just takes me back to my adult life days............*cough* Anyhow, Jason's mom came up and we tiled the bathroom floor. It's so pretty! I need to do the grout in a couple days, but it's pretty even without being completely finished. Tiling took up a large portion of the day and Jason and I had thought to take the girls to a baseball game this evening, but I was too zonked to even think about it by the time evening rolled around. Some other time, perhaps. Now, if you'll excuse me, Jason and I are going to re-watch Shaun of the Dead. (Wicked!!!!!!!)


notforthelifeofme said...

Did she win? She looks like she's the only one going!

Unknown said...

*wince* yeah.........that's the view from last place. There were only a handful of girls in that particular event, and mixed ages, too.