Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do we really NEED the truth about them?

We've been dogsitting for Tiffany's parents while they are in Europe visiting her. They watched the kids while I was there in February, it was an even trade. Needless to say, Spartacus is slightly less than thrilled that she's around and it's been making for some HILARIOUS mini drama in our humble abode. He's been sitting in higher up places recently, trying to let her know who the true king of the castle is. Holly, being a dog, is completely oblivious to the fact and has pretty much ignored his rudeness and thinks he's playing when he bats at her or whatever he's does to show his disdain for her presence. The funniest part about the whole thing is that they are roughly the same size, both have pointy ears, and they are both black and white. Sometimes if you just glance you can't tell which is which. Awesome. Anyhow, this picture is a perfect encapsulation of their dynamic.

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