Recently, we went to the school carnival. We ate food, the girls did the bouncy castle thing, we played games, and the girls won prizes. Brianna also won the cake walk. Where's the cake? Look in her arms, she's holding it. Do it yourself cake! How funny is that? I decided we would make it together sometime this weekend. That is, until................

Saturday night I had two shows......ish. The 7pm show, in which our longform turned into a spontaneous musical, even though we've never practiced an improvised musical. (I've been wanting to try it out for the past year!) The 9pm show (the 'ish' part of the first sentance) was the improv jam. We have this great crowd of regulars that come for the jam, and they always invite us back to their place after the show. Jason and the girls came to the house with me for a bit, and the whole time we were there, the wife kept trying to feed my girls cake and I kept saying no. She ended up sending us home with a plateful for today. (aw, sweet of her!)

Today Jason was mowing the back yard when our neighbor (we have awesome neighbors) motioned for him to come to the fence, so Jason did. Apparently they had just made cake (they do it all the time, apparently) and didn't want the rest, so they gave it to us. It was still warm when Jason brought it in! Mmmm! So I doubt we'll be making Brianna's DIY cake for a while.....oh well. Maybe I'll save it for Leigha's last day of school (which is next week!). Now, for good measure, here's a picture of Spartacus, because he sat on my lap the whole time I was writing this:
Hi Jess! I miss you! It would be wonderful if our schedules matched in the slightest so that we could talk on the phone some day. How are you all?
P.S. Do you have a facebook account? You need one, because it is an easy way to communicate.
I miss you too! I've been thinking about you a lot. Yes, I'm on Facebook! Been there for a while, and I've searched for you, just in case, but never found you. Is your profile hidden? Gah! We must friend each other, that would totally simplify things!!
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