Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Headlight disco

New Year's was fun, went to a couple different parties, played a ton of Guitar Hero. This is going to be an awesome year, I can totally feel it. Especially because it's noon and I'm in jammies and a fuzzy robe. If this is how it starts, it already rocks. At any rate, this posting is to inform you of my intent to start a new blog for this year. I'm going to maintain this one, but I'd like to also keep up a photoblog with one picture for each day, all 366 of them. (Check the calendar, it's a leap year) I will not be able to post each picture on that day because of how life is, but I will take one picture each day and post it with something about the corresponding day. It'll be a great overall snapshot of my life, I think. :-)


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